Sunday, September 25, 2016

I have no right to command.

The power and prosperity are two different things. Prosperity doesn't define your power. The umbrage is across the nation regarding the recent Uri attack on our Army men. Everyone is commanding for a war, for justice, trying to show the nation's power to our rival. Here is the mistake, we cannot show our power, as we do not possess it.

In general, every time we come across difficult situations where we cannot hide our emotions regarding our country. Army men were killed by terrorists, hence, the nation demands justice by killing their people. How will this bring to a solution? If killing is a solution, then why do we even accuse the foe. We get involved in a current situation, forgetting the future impact and the further consequences. We all start doing what we love,  giving our outrageous commands, having no meaning. The thoughts come from everywhere, alas but all spurious claims.

People tend to censure all those whom they loved to watch, hear, in the form of actors, singers, sportsperson, spiritualists and all those amiable seems to be despicable. How can this help in finding the resolution? This isn't the root cause by any means. They are not the ones commanding our foe to destroy our own countrymen. We should not lose our sense of judgment by taking actions hurriedly. Things keep on happening, we should agree we had our own pitfalls as a result of which we faced a huge loss of precious lives. Instead of demanding blood for blood, we must make sure we don't lose our morals and the spiritual side.

We must reprimand, but not as a ferocious beast. How easily people say it is time to take strong action, foreshadowing the prescience of augury. Our soldiers are always ready to take revenge and fight for our country, that is what they are positioned for, but we cannot command them sitting at our place, we should think that there will be more loss if we call for combat. A war results in a depreciative economy, more loss of army men and putting a stop to the positive growth of the country. We are progressing in all the right direction, and we must not take any such step which will impact the present state. Things are never one sided, killings will be both sides. We definitely don't want to see a land of a corpse.

Let's forever keep a constant thought of spirituality. A development of ideal methods can be brought in to curb such situations to stop and change the enemy. Let's take a general example of two people, both shoot each other simultaneously, what remain is a zero. We should not proceed towards a zero, instead keep on contributing towards a progressive country. Promote education, develop strict boundaries where nobody from outside can think of getting in unjustly. A more empowered panache step is all we need to take, to show the world what we are. We cannot react in an exaggerated manner sending our own soldiers in a place of death. Let's do it the unprecedented way.

The more we give, the more we get and likewise we tend to create all  favorable circumstances for a united pleasing environment.

Monday, June 6, 2016

The Republic of India 2016

The one post which will make it to the special ones and after a mere period of two years for a new government which is not much of a time, I feel the time has come to pen down the numerous achievements accumulated. Already stepped up for greater heights and been exceptionally promising and delivering it all is definitely the phase of a new India.
Going back two years from now when the whole nation with immense hope brought the saffron party in the rule and more importantly just for the dedication of one man whom all of them wanted to see as the Prime Minister of India, Shree Narendra Modi. He worked day and night and put all of his efforts to gather the support and made the nation believe for what he can do. Already proven by his good work in the state of Gujarat, bringing the state back from tough times to a peaceful and more developed state all eyes were on him to take up the responsibility of the whole nation this time.
The way he formulated his speech and reached the hearts of each category of people, it looked like he is the man who can bring a drastic change for a country of millions and be such a tedious task. He was just a ray of hope for a complex country where there are more people who just eye on the success of others rather them themselves. Changes will come slow it was expected and for people cursing every time, for them even that was not possible.
Today when it has been more than two years from the day when the new government started the uphill task to take this country forward from the times where undermining the people had been only the case, the stage looks all set.
The government has put an eye on all major change which was long due as the right of the whole nation. Things which we could never think was missing and now when it is being implemented we feel the impact all of it is already having in the country.
Some of the major initiatives and schemes already implemented for a brighter India :
1. Swacch Bharat would come on top. An issue which solves many interlinked issues as well. It is bringing a healthier environment for us and making us feel good to see our own surrounding clean and sorted. The Ganges which is a symbol of peace and belief, being ignored and getting polluted every day has been taken up as a major issue to safeguard it and make sure it remains intact with the holiness which it had always been a mark for the entire world. One of the biggest achievement of Swacch  Bharat has been the creation of toilets all around the villages which have been neglected for years. The government made people realize the importance of toilets and not letting anyone go out for it and the way it was impacting the health of an individual.
2. Farmers starting to get the assurance for a better life, most importantly who were always dependent on weather as the demand is such, has been provided with all the security for not being a helpless human being and not getting in debt as a result of which so many farmers have been suiciding all these years. The government has lent a helping hand in all such situations so that they no longer have to go to someone else for a loan and later face a pressure situation of paying back.
3. Rail, the sector which is slowly emerging out to be making a drastic change for the future of Indian Railways in the coming years ahead. The changes are slow as a result many are unaware and disappointed of what Railways are doing but the steps which they have taken is immensely commendable for the future. As a result of Swacch Bharat, we are already seeing clean railway stations, tracks which were hard to even look at earlier. The way Indian Railways are finding short routes and creating more bridges and making people reach their destination faster is helpful for every sector of people. All the implementations and project which are in pipeline suggests a smart railway which will make a drastic change and make the journey more pleasant and worth it.
4. Inspiring the youth is a step which will gradually bring forward all the brains which was forced to change their thought process just because of the complex process which exist in the country, not letting every individual bring their own thought process for a brighter India and which can create so many empowerment for a nation constituting of over 120 million people. This will not only create jobs but also show an immense increase in the economy of the country. Loads of plans have already been implemented under the Start-up India campaign.
5. The poor state of the country has always been in the limelight. Yes, it is shameful that despite after 66 years of Independence India has been still famous for this statistics of the poor. The government has come up with all the never thought plans for making this country where no one can categorize themselves as poor. Since the date this government came into action 22 crore bank accounts has been opened with an average salary of Rs 1,725.00 making it easier for the poor to reach banks. The government has made the banks reach them now and made sure each and everyone eligible does have a bank account. All this certainly shows no one is poor, it is just about faith and trust. If the government can raise that trust then everyone would contribute and show the desire for a better life. Nobody likes to be poor.
6. A village needs just two things to nurture the people around, electricity and road. The government has stepped into both the key factors for a better village life. The rate at which roads and highways are being constructed has reached another level since 2014. The average rate earlier which was 5km/day has now been raised to 21km/day. The government is indeed on a mission and we all want a developed India as we go on to every new day. The only thing we don't want is to stop and go back.
7. Health can never be neglected. When even a small part of a machine stops working then the whole system is affected. Our body is what drives us for everything we do. The government proposed a plan to let go our gas subsidy and making gas reach all those villages where every mother used to sit and cook in the smoke on their face and inhaling the hazardous smoke deteriorating their health. A healthy body gives us the strength to achieve whatever we want and to make sure we do it the right way, we need to take care of our body. India is the initiator of Yoga since decades and the government proposed this and highlighted the very fact that Yoga can create wonders for a human body. It indeed gives the body a peaceful mind and healthy system. Nothing comes before our body. We all must realize this and mark International Yoga Day for a step to create awareness for a healthier and productive nation.

We talk about service tax increase but we still happily pay high at times of our entertainment. If a small amount of token from our entertainment is going towards the well-being of the one who needs it the most, should always be a matter of pride rather than cursing the government.
Talking about the most recent one Krishi Kalyan Cess tax, we all want our farmers to be happy and they are the one who is responsible for our everyday food and vegetables, so we all must unite to help them lead a life what they deserve. I feel proud. Do you?

Many times hurdle came and people tried hard to avert from the current progress of the nation but every time how this government has been tackling and keeping aside all the negativity is the key for a brighter and progressive India.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

To MAA, with love.

The most ascetic person who exists in this entire universe is the mother.  She feels proud in giving away. If we see her entire life, since the day a mother is born in a girl's life, she has been ceding everything for her family. Call it her spouse, her son, her daughter, always ready to give. Despite knowing about the risks, a mother sacrifices her family for the country. She thinks about every other thing before herself.
Seen everywhere but there is no one else like her. Wherever we go, we carry the memories, the affection we deserve. The most pretty face we see is the mother. She is ready to accept our fault every time and remediate it all.
We think ourselves to be superior at times but when we fail she is the only person who gives us peace with our problems, the way she handles it all with ease is exceptional.
Meanwhile alone at home passing by thoughts of us, always wishing for our well-being wherever we are and thinking far ahead for our good future until there where our thoughts never reach.
Whenever we feel alone then we come to her. I see that love on the face of every mother.
Often we tend to get irritated by some of her repeated sayings, she is always meticulous for every tiny thing related to us.
Watching us from a naive to a grown up when we start to teach them things. Everything is small in front of whatever she has given us, planting the root and nourishing it throughout. Whatever we can do after getting nourished is less.
She goes and receives the bravery award for her family with pride. Only a mother can do this. No one in this entire world can be stronger than the mother.
As the mother gets old, they seem to be more beautiful and kind. She has been giving and she will always do that no matter what.
We take mothers for granted and we always take whatever she gives away. We never think and value about it later because there is so much. The love is endless, we cannot count it.
Let's remember for a minute some of the moments, when she cannot sleep whole night looking for her child in sickness, taking care of every small thing without getting irritated a single time. How easily we get irritated, when we go back then I don't see a single time when she gets irritated by our stupidities and us giving trouble to them in so many different ways. We don't like to hear anything about our decision or doings by the mother, we often get annoyed by it but then I think how much my kiddish act and those words coming out from our mouth which used to not make any sense, she heard it all and made the meaning out of it.
Holding our tiny little finger she made us walk and never leaving until she made sure we are secure. In moments of anguish and demanding when we cry, she wiped off tears all the time. Staring us hard from those big eyes she made us overcome fear. We get to face this tough world with the whole lot of courage because of the fact the mother is always there for us. Reciting stories while making us sleep and expanding our world of imagination. Now we realize it was all so important, everything had a meaning behind it, for creating us what we are today. Despite knowing what we love, she at times stops us to do things which can be harmful in future. It is not easy to waive things we love presently but she has that strong heart to let it go for the better future.
The safest and blissful place for every human being or animals is their home. We feel so much contended when we are home.
This mothers day lets give them as much we can.
When we were a kid then we didn't get the thing we want, we get upset. Every single thing which we were taught by the mother is what makes us so much compelling today. We have the control of us.
Every air that passes we wish them to go and touch the feet of all those mothers thinking about their family and having such tender love for them. Amidst the busy schedule, we get so lost that we forget all this and the mother seem so distant amongst all the things keeping us occupied. Slowly things get ended and that distance then starts to diminish and then we see her still there the same way making us contended.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Flash and another new light

Okay, so this is the new league of substance you will find among all the other pieces of mine. Depicting the pure feeling which came this noon made this course. The thoughts were flying and merry-making among themselves and arranging it in here. It is so scintillating and this is the way things need to be in place and always treasured.
There is always a point of time when you feel it's not the right thing happening. You want someone to stay but somehow you feel they are going far. The mind gets filled with thoughts of it going far. Things won't remain same as before. People start to supplant various negative things as a result of this distance.
It may be the reason or the person I don't know how many things people start to ponder upon. There was a spell when you had a great time spending all those beautiful moments together. You lived it and adored it and it should be the same no matter the distance becomes long but the moments remain beautiful and once in a lifetime where you lived your time with those magical thoughts and talks.
Do you remember the first time you saw each other? What if you would not have been able to celebrate a single day, which today you remember and smile. Admire each and every bit of it without any grievances. I feel there cannot be any grievances with someone with whom you have lived and loved the moments. You shared happiness with each other and it is a not the usual laughter, it is the inner happiness, the peace you shared at heart. This is to be appreciated today instead of foiling over it.
Life is all about moments and if you come across it, then frame it. I wonder why people start running on a negative track and kill those beautiful moments. It is priceless and you have earned it. You may not be able to have any more moments like that but wait, you had it, right? We are not counting moments we are living it.
Don't wait for another moment because before the day you met them, you never realized it was meant to happen. Things just happen, you don't write the script, you just live in it. Feel lucky that you got to live those precious moments. Carry it forward without searching for it, because you never searched it before.
Appreciate the person for it and feel the happiness. Before you met them, were they on your mind always? No. Then why you feel they are a stymie today, just because you got to spend amazing moments and you want more? More is just a small word ironically. Today your life has been added to much more happiness as it was before you met them. Let us celebrate the time you had and the time which you will have. As I say the time which you will have, you don't need to sit back and wait for it. It is happening already and soon you will realize this moment. It is not the distance which makes people sad at times, it is the expectations. Expectation can ruin any ongoing good thing.
Love does happen at first sight, but the happily ever after comes with a long list of *conditions apply. So you never know what's coming ahead, just keep collecting the jewels. There is no reason you should expect anything because earlier you never did and that is the reason you are filling up the bucket of happy times.
Today the person is just a thought away rather than a distance. They are still right next to you, so close. There is a huge conflict people make their parents and anyone else. Parents are eternal love and so do every person you cherish in your life, because you know they made your life much happier and blessed. When you are away from your parents do you think of them every minute? Probably not, because you know the bond is endless. Likewise, the distance can never weaken a bond for anyone you feel happy. Why would you even go to that path to let yourself purge impurities? There is no space for it apart from the shimmers which you are having already.
You are one and that's what creates your identity and the person you should think of is you. It is you who takes the decision, who ingratiates those moments and feel happy about it today. Don't think what others are doing, with whom they are. The world will always be so wonderful when each and every person is happy with themselves.
Always be delighted about the beautiful life you are living in every second. Spread happiness spread love and be the love of your own life with the amazing people contributing to it.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Investment of Energy

There can be two ways to look at everything, yes everything which happens in this entire world. Positive and Negative. If you ask me where I stand, probably you may decide at the end of this article.

We are a country of millions and so many things keep on going at so many places which seem microscopic if we see it individually. Look around your place and you will find things going there as well which you might think is unnecessary. Quick questions: What keeps us going? What if everything just remains all sorted and calm? Wouldn't it be boring?

The world lives on some or the other work assigned to them and if everything is sorted then probably many would not survive here. Many work sectors would die eventually. If there would be no events no tragedies then how will our media will survive. There would be no crime how will our policemen survive. Our country loves more of a drama and it can be seen very well with the everyday news we hear. The drama person create opportunity for everyone except themselves. Moments are created and stored in the cache. It's on you what moment you want for yourself and whether you want to help create job opportunity for others or be the one to just sit back and be your own writer instead of giving the charge to someone else. Like past this shall pass away too but the fact remains that we are one as an entire nation. Just for the sake of entertainment, events are created and destroyed. You must be the change you wish to see the world.

Many unnecessary things are going on around. Talking about reservation, I think the one crying for it are the biggest loser themselves who have accepted their community as weak by demanding. The one destroying the property of government by doing agitation are the ones who raise voice when they are slapped by numerous budget hikes. Think before hampering the property and if you do then pay later. It is you who will be paying the money back to the government, in fact all of us.

There is plenty of amazing stuff to be done and if we invest the time in doing such things then that would, yes it might cut down few opportunities for others but definitely create many opportunity for the sake of more happiness to people. Let movies do the drama part. The message is quiet clear from the day we exist. Just follow it. Do not deviate. If you are born deviated then change. There is more to do towards a proportionate well groomed country. 

Friday, August 14, 2015

Relishing Freedom!

Life! Life is what we value the most. Every individual is categorised into their own respective tribe. We always want our nation to be peaceful, so as to live a carefree life, at least in our nation and focus on fulfilling our own desire. Our prime need is to live in a secure nation. We crave for so many things in our life. We are bonded victims of never ending wishlist, let it be lifestyle, relationships, entertainment or some frantic thought processes we go through. But these are only possible under a state of peace all around the country. Our movement to any place depends on this. To safeguard, there are people like us only having their family, their own desires in life.

The defence ministry is accounted for the most percentage of budget in the country for a reason. If we see all the border areas, that is a big area altogether touching parts of different countries in the form of land, sea, mountains and glaciers. Our countrymen are spread across all those areas and more to fence the sectors and not allow any dispensable rival from another country enter ours to spread nuisance. From thousands of kilometers to every corner in the country they shield us. Whether it is a natural calamity or anything, the troops gather to rescue each individual.

Suppose if everyone, every neighbour surrounding us becomes innocuous, the expenditure of the country will be distributed in so many other desired department, but yes, we can never deny to secure the nation first. There are so many barracks spread across the frontiers, soldiers always ready for action which can occur anytime. The soldiers remain entrenched every second all throughout the year despite of the mercurial weather, no matter whether it’s minus 50 centigrade or plus 50 centigrade, just to stop that one moment which can create havoc. No matter what, they do not concede anything to secure the nation. Yes, they know there are people in normal areas sitting back and enjoying their each day in various ways but still they have only one thing on their mind during their time on the border, to see a contended nation. Being in such adverse conditions, but still they keep themselves lively amidst the rustic charm of the surroundings. We all love our nation but there are very few proportion of people who will devote themselves to their country, knowing the fact that they need to be brave enough to tackle any situation. It is not that the life threat is there always as it is hyped, yes it is there but those men and women also, are glutted with pride for their nation and they really do not look at it the usual way, they see death as freedom of their country
It is not that the soldiers are there just to fight, their existence remains to help out every citizen who is staying inside our country, no matter if they are domestic or foreign people, until someone is inside the national territory they will help us in any way possible. The self sacrifice which they do is commendable. Coming from different parts of the country and positioning themselves in difficult situations, soaking in the tranquility and riding into the storm for so many years of their life needs a lot of courage and patience. We among ourselves fight and engender detrimental situations, do we really need to do such useless activities. In one place there are people sacrificing their lives for us and on the other hand there are our own people who somehow create havoc within country.

Every nation would be so jubilant if people start living with some sense and show at least some sacrifice to maintain peace. There is no bigger sacrifice than that of life. There are people doing that for us and we still are unhappy with our own created evil minds. We think so much about us, thinking of the future, but we include so much of complications in it. The people out there on the border live each day, not surviving themselves but securing the country every day and helping people who they don't even know. Life is about seconds, we should cherish all of it. The day we start loving life as it comes and with little compromises, there won’t be any hatred among people. The people out there in the marchland give all of their heart and soul to nation. We, being away from our loved ones can still find a way out to arrange meetings or even see them on our finger tip with such advanced technology but those men on the border do not have anything to fulfill their desire, to see their loved ones when they are on duty. Even a small phone call is like a time in which every second is a gram of gold for them.

If every nation starts mitigating the undesirable circumstances, build to concentrate among their own resources and stop eyeing the fellow nations, then every country would be in peace and it would be one heck of an amazing world with no war, no terrorism. Today, lets remember all those martyrs who died for us, fighting till their last breath. Lets start valuing each moment which we have. Lets make a scintillating environment which they always had wanted and for which they suffered. Lets be tough enough to handle anything because nothing can be more tougher than living in extreme conditions, with no communication to your loved ones. The troopers are doing enough to help us all. Lets pledge to at least help our surrounding. Don’t sit idle, there are a number of people in need out there, do your part, and make this nation a bright place to live in. This Independence Day feel the real meaning of independence, fall in love with your country. Spread love, spread happiness, spread Indianness.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Search of "The Malaysia Airline"

It has been two days since Malaysia Airlines MH370 went missing somewhere in the South China sea as sources says. The Boeing 777 carrying a huge number of people around 239 is still no where to be found since Saturday morning. There is still not a single trace of any wreckage also. There has been oil slicks found by the Vietnamese army in the South China sea but this just cannot help us reach those passengers. On Sunday morning we came to know about a strange thing that two passengers from Austria and Italy who were supposed to board the flight but unfortunately there passports got stolen and they just got lucky in a way. But a twist in the tale is that two people in place of them were still on board. On Sunday afternoon also there are no traces of the Boeing 777. There is a big possibility that the officials may take months or maybe years to trace the Malaysia Airlines flight. In past there had been crashes for various reasons like both engine failure, bad weather, lost connectivity with the radar, pilot suicide which seems strange but it has happened in the past. This could be one of the deadliest incidents since the flight is untraceable after two days since it got missing. An array of different countries are now involved in search. A total of 40 ships and 22 aircraft from China and USA are searching the west coasts and South China sea and the search operation is widened to trace the flight as soon as possible and get to the on board passengers with help. If we look at another angle, there is a possibility of terrorism involved in this and some officials are also saying that the plane may have returned back. We can assume those two stolen passports being used in a dreadful way and the plane may have got hijacked or forcibly crashed. Another pilot who was flying ahead of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane revealed that he made contact with the missing aircraft minutes after he was asked to do so by Vietnamese air traffic control. He said he heard mumbling and static from the cockpit of flight MH370. The China bound flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing carried mostly people from China. It seems so strange that after having so much of intelligence and manpower, we are still unable to trace any wreckage or any major clue related to the plane. For now we can just wish for all those 239 people to be alive somehow or the other.