Monday, June 6, 2016

The Republic of India 2016

The one post which will make it to the special ones and after a mere period of two years for a new government which is not much of a time, I feel the time has come to pen down the numerous achievements accumulated. Already stepped up for greater heights and been exceptionally promising and delivering it all is definitely the phase of a new India.
Going back two years from now when the whole nation with immense hope brought the saffron party in the rule and more importantly just for the dedication of one man whom all of them wanted to see as the Prime Minister of India, Shree Narendra Modi. He worked day and night and put all of his efforts to gather the support and made the nation believe for what he can do. Already proven by his good work in the state of Gujarat, bringing the state back from tough times to a peaceful and more developed state all eyes were on him to take up the responsibility of the whole nation this time.
The way he formulated his speech and reached the hearts of each category of people, it looked like he is the man who can bring a drastic change for a country of millions and be such a tedious task. He was just a ray of hope for a complex country where there are more people who just eye on the success of others rather them themselves. Changes will come slow it was expected and for people cursing every time, for them even that was not possible.
Today when it has been more than two years from the day when the new government started the uphill task to take this country forward from the times where undermining the people had been only the case, the stage looks all set.
The government has put an eye on all major change which was long due as the right of the whole nation. Things which we could never think was missing and now when it is being implemented we feel the impact all of it is already having in the country.
Some of the major initiatives and schemes already implemented for a brighter India :
1. Swacch Bharat would come on top. An issue which solves many interlinked issues as well. It is bringing a healthier environment for us and making us feel good to see our own surrounding clean and sorted. The Ganges which is a symbol of peace and belief, being ignored and getting polluted every day has been taken up as a major issue to safeguard it and make sure it remains intact with the holiness which it had always been a mark for the entire world. One of the biggest achievement of Swacch  Bharat has been the creation of toilets all around the villages which have been neglected for years. The government made people realize the importance of toilets and not letting anyone go out for it and the way it was impacting the health of an individual.
2. Farmers starting to get the assurance for a better life, most importantly who were always dependent on weather as the demand is such, has been provided with all the security for not being a helpless human being and not getting in debt as a result of which so many farmers have been suiciding all these years. The government has lent a helping hand in all such situations so that they no longer have to go to someone else for a loan and later face a pressure situation of paying back.
3. Rail, the sector which is slowly emerging out to be making a drastic change for the future of Indian Railways in the coming years ahead. The changes are slow as a result many are unaware and disappointed of what Railways are doing but the steps which they have taken is immensely commendable for the future. As a result of Swacch Bharat, we are already seeing clean railway stations, tracks which were hard to even look at earlier. The way Indian Railways are finding short routes and creating more bridges and making people reach their destination faster is helpful for every sector of people. All the implementations and project which are in pipeline suggests a smart railway which will make a drastic change and make the journey more pleasant and worth it.
4. Inspiring the youth is a step which will gradually bring forward all the brains which was forced to change their thought process just because of the complex process which exist in the country, not letting every individual bring their own thought process for a brighter India and which can create so many empowerment for a nation constituting of over 120 million people. This will not only create jobs but also show an immense increase in the economy of the country. Loads of plans have already been implemented under the Start-up India campaign.
5. The poor state of the country has always been in the limelight. Yes, it is shameful that despite after 66 years of Independence India has been still famous for this statistics of the poor. The government has come up with all the never thought plans for making this country where no one can categorize themselves as poor. Since the date this government came into action 22 crore bank accounts has been opened with an average salary of Rs 1,725.00 making it easier for the poor to reach banks. The government has made the banks reach them now and made sure each and everyone eligible does have a bank account. All this certainly shows no one is poor, it is just about faith and trust. If the government can raise that trust then everyone would contribute and show the desire for a better life. Nobody likes to be poor.
6. A village needs just two things to nurture the people around, electricity and road. The government has stepped into both the key factors for a better village life. The rate at which roads and highways are being constructed has reached another level since 2014. The average rate earlier which was 5km/day has now been raised to 21km/day. The government is indeed on a mission and we all want a developed India as we go on to every new day. The only thing we don't want is to stop and go back.
7. Health can never be neglected. When even a small part of a machine stops working then the whole system is affected. Our body is what drives us for everything we do. The government proposed a plan to let go our gas subsidy and making gas reach all those villages where every mother used to sit and cook in the smoke on their face and inhaling the hazardous smoke deteriorating their health. A healthy body gives us the strength to achieve whatever we want and to make sure we do it the right way, we need to take care of our body. India is the initiator of Yoga since decades and the government proposed this and highlighted the very fact that Yoga can create wonders for a human body. It indeed gives the body a peaceful mind and healthy system. Nothing comes before our body. We all must realize this and mark International Yoga Day for a step to create awareness for a healthier and productive nation.

We talk about service tax increase but we still happily pay high at times of our entertainment. If a small amount of token from our entertainment is going towards the well-being of the one who needs it the most, should always be a matter of pride rather than cursing the government.
Talking about the most recent one Krishi Kalyan Cess tax, we all want our farmers to be happy and they are the one who is responsible for our everyday food and vegetables, so we all must unite to help them lead a life what they deserve. I feel proud. Do you?

Many times hurdle came and people tried hard to avert from the current progress of the nation but every time how this government has been tackling and keeping aside all the negativity is the key for a brighter and progressive India.

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