Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Search of "The Malaysia Airline"

It has been two days since Malaysia Airlines MH370 went missing somewhere in the South China sea as sources says. The Boeing 777 carrying a huge number of people around 239 is still no where to be found since Saturday morning. There is still not a single trace of any wreckage also. There has been oil slicks found by the Vietnamese army in the South China sea but this just cannot help us reach those passengers. On Sunday morning we came to know about a strange thing that two passengers from Austria and Italy who were supposed to board the flight but unfortunately there passports got stolen and they just got lucky in a way. But a twist in the tale is that two people in place of them were still on board. On Sunday afternoon also there are no traces of the Boeing 777. There is a big possibility that the officials may take months or maybe years to trace the Malaysia Airlines flight. In past there had been crashes for various reasons like both engine failure, bad weather, lost connectivity with the radar, pilot suicide which seems strange but it has happened in the past. This could be one of the deadliest incidents since the flight is untraceable after two days since it got missing. An array of different countries are now involved in search. A total of 40 ships and 22 aircraft from China and USA are searching the west coasts and South China sea and the search operation is widened to trace the flight as soon as possible and get to the on board passengers with help. If we look at another angle, there is a possibility of terrorism involved in this and some officials are also saying that the plane may have returned back. We can assume those two stolen passports being used in a dreadful way and the plane may have got hijacked or forcibly crashed. Another pilot who was flying ahead of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane revealed that he made contact with the missing aircraft minutes after he was asked to do so by Vietnamese air traffic control. He said he heard mumbling and static from the cockpit of flight MH370. The China bound flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing carried mostly people from China. It seems so strange that after having so much of intelligence and manpower, we are still unable to trace any wreckage or any major clue related to the plane. For now we can just wish for all those 239 people to be alive somehow or the other.

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