Saturday, March 17, 2012

Admire women.Dont Condemn.


Women are among the most exquisite and beautiful creatures created by god. We all want all beautiful creatures to look beautiful and ornamented rather than ugly. Speaking of delicacy, we handle all the delicate things carefully and respectfully.

But why do some men spoil their pettiness and don't treat them delicately. Women are human beings,they are not something that is for sale and you want to buy every beautiful thing available in the market.Why people make women feel unsafe for their beautiful appearance. God has made some beautiful things and they are one of them and you can't take them for granted. If diamonds could have life then I am sure you would have raped them too. So what shall we do, put women in locker. Do you want a men world? Want to be a gay? A world without women. Think. What if a group of women cuts off your penis while raping you. Only thinking this is out of the minds reach, but yes if you can then they too can but their minds are not cruel and they have sense of living which some of the men out there don't have.

The number of rapes specially in our nation is much of a number and all this happens because of the thinking what some men carry in their minds regarding women.The way people look at girls is the most unwanted thing.Recently I was walking on the streets and three people were walking ahead of me and they were constantly staring backwards while walking forward .I thought there might be something strange happening behind me so I turned back but everything was normal but then I realized they were staring at a women.I was in a moment of shock thinking how cheap some people can be.

Staring women have constantly been an important reason why do women feel unsafe to move on the streets. People doing hooliganism is an important reason which increases the polluted thinking of people. Do women comment on men ? Till date I haven't heard of any incident like that. Common have some decency.

Change in behavior and thinking can certainly make this nation developed. Just because of the polluted thinking of some people women think thrice about dressing themselves before going out and the parents too, who have daughter, are worried for their daughter thinking that there are some animals outside who may eat their daughters. Beautiful buildings,world class roads are not enough to make a country developed, the thinking should also change.

Take care of every female you see around yourself and keep them safe and secure. Don't use them.