Sunday, September 25, 2016

I have no right to command.

The power and prosperity are two different things. Prosperity doesn't define your power. The umbrage is across the nation regarding the recent Uri attack on our Army men. Everyone is commanding for a war, for justice, trying to show the nation's power to our rival. Here is the mistake, we cannot show our power, as we do not possess it.

In general, every time we come across difficult situations where we cannot hide our emotions regarding our country. Army men were killed by terrorists, hence, the nation demands justice by killing their people. How will this bring to a solution? If killing is a solution, then why do we even accuse the foe. We get involved in a current situation, forgetting the future impact and the further consequences. We all start doing what we love,  giving our outrageous commands, having no meaning. The thoughts come from everywhere, alas but all spurious claims.

People tend to censure all those whom they loved to watch, hear, in the form of actors, singers, sportsperson, spiritualists and all those amiable seems to be despicable. How can this help in finding the resolution? This isn't the root cause by any means. They are not the ones commanding our foe to destroy our own countrymen. We should not lose our sense of judgment by taking actions hurriedly. Things keep on happening, we should agree we had our own pitfalls as a result of which we faced a huge loss of precious lives. Instead of demanding blood for blood, we must make sure we don't lose our morals and the spiritual side.

We must reprimand, but not as a ferocious beast. How easily people say it is time to take strong action, foreshadowing the prescience of augury. Our soldiers are always ready to take revenge and fight for our country, that is what they are positioned for, but we cannot command them sitting at our place, we should think that there will be more loss if we call for combat. A war results in a depreciative economy, more loss of army men and putting a stop to the positive growth of the country. We are progressing in all the right direction, and we must not take any such step which will impact the present state. Things are never one sided, killings will be both sides. We definitely don't want to see a land of a corpse.

Let's forever keep a constant thought of spirituality. A development of ideal methods can be brought in to curb such situations to stop and change the enemy. Let's take a general example of two people, both shoot each other simultaneously, what remain is a zero. We should not proceed towards a zero, instead keep on contributing towards a progressive country. Promote education, develop strict boundaries where nobody from outside can think of getting in unjustly. A more empowered panache step is all we need to take, to show the world what we are. We cannot react in an exaggerated manner sending our own soldiers in a place of death. Let's do it the unprecedented way.

The more we give, the more we get and likewise we tend to create all  favorable circumstances for a united pleasing environment.