Thursday, March 17, 2016

Flash and another new light

Okay, so this is the new league of substance you will find among all the other pieces of mine. Depicting the pure feeling which came this noon made this course. The thoughts were flying and merry-making among themselves and arranging it in here. It is so scintillating and this is the way things need to be in place and always treasured.
There is always a point of time when you feel it's not the right thing happening. You want someone to stay but somehow you feel they are going far. The mind gets filled with thoughts of it going far. Things won't remain same as before. People start to supplant various negative things as a result of this distance.
It may be the reason or the person I don't know how many things people start to ponder upon. There was a spell when you had a great time spending all those beautiful moments together. You lived it and adored it and it should be the same no matter the distance becomes long but the moments remain beautiful and once in a lifetime where you lived your time with those magical thoughts and talks.
Do you remember the first time you saw each other? What if you would not have been able to celebrate a single day, which today you remember and smile. Admire each and every bit of it without any grievances. I feel there cannot be any grievances with someone with whom you have lived and loved the moments. You shared happiness with each other and it is a not the usual laughter, it is the inner happiness, the peace you shared at heart. This is to be appreciated today instead of foiling over it.
Life is all about moments and if you come across it, then frame it. I wonder why people start running on a negative track and kill those beautiful moments. It is priceless and you have earned it. You may not be able to have any more moments like that but wait, you had it, right? We are not counting moments we are living it.
Don't wait for another moment because before the day you met them, you never realized it was meant to happen. Things just happen, you don't write the script, you just live in it. Feel lucky that you got to live those precious moments. Carry it forward without searching for it, because you never searched it before.
Appreciate the person for it and feel the happiness. Before you met them, were they on your mind always? No. Then why you feel they are a stymie today, just because you got to spend amazing moments and you want more? More is just a small word ironically. Today your life has been added to much more happiness as it was before you met them. Let us celebrate the time you had and the time which you will have. As I say the time which you will have, you don't need to sit back and wait for it. It is happening already and soon you will realize this moment. It is not the distance which makes people sad at times, it is the expectations. Expectation can ruin any ongoing good thing.
Love does happen at first sight, but the happily ever after comes with a long list of *conditions apply. So you never know what's coming ahead, just keep collecting the jewels. There is no reason you should expect anything because earlier you never did and that is the reason you are filling up the bucket of happy times.
Today the person is just a thought away rather than a distance. They are still right next to you, so close. There is a huge conflict people make their parents and anyone else. Parents are eternal love and so do every person you cherish in your life, because you know they made your life much happier and blessed. When you are away from your parents do you think of them every minute? Probably not, because you know the bond is endless. Likewise, the distance can never weaken a bond for anyone you feel happy. Why would you even go to that path to let yourself purge impurities? There is no space for it apart from the shimmers which you are having already.
You are one and that's what creates your identity and the person you should think of is you. It is you who takes the decision, who ingratiates those moments and feel happy about it today. Don't think what others are doing, with whom they are. The world will always be so wonderful when each and every person is happy with themselves.
Always be delighted about the beautiful life you are living in every second. Spread happiness spread love and be the love of your own life with the amazing people contributing to it.